2025 Annual Assessment Check List and Affidavit (for non-presenting Classic and GEMS communities)

The 2025 annual assessment will be based on projects and accomplishments made throughout the 2024 calendar year. Communities that are designated as Classic or GEMS Main Street cities and not in Regions 3 and 4 will be required to submit the online Self Assessment through Main Street America and the Checklist. The Self Assessment Tool can help you fill out the online assessment.

These documents include:

  • Completed and signed Annual Assessment Checklist

  • 2024-2025 MOU

  • Annual Work Plan using DCA or approved template

  • Board Roster using DCA board roster template

  • All Board Meeting Agendas

  • All Board Meeting Minutes

  • Training Log for Manager

  • Annual budget(s), showing program revenue/expenses

  • Main Street Program’s Organizational Chart

  • Main Street Program Bylaws

  • Mission and Vision statements

  • Map of Main Street Program’s District Boundaries

All the documents outlined above should be uploaded directly to your program’s 2025 (shared) Dropbox folder and filed under the appropriate folder. If you do not currently have access to your program’s shared Dropbox folder please reach out to Ellen Hill at ellen.hill@dca.ga.gov and we will work to get you connected.
